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Just Keira opened on July 19, 2003

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Tuesday, July 29, 2003

I've actually got quite a few photos to add to the photo gallery, but I don't have time to do so, because you see, I'm going out of town. "Where are you going, Ms. Ally?" you may ask. Well, I'm going to France. And I'm going to be in France until August 15 so there will be no updates while I'm gone. I know, much sadness. But I promise lots of updates every day when I get back.

See you soon!

- Allison

Sunday, July 27, 2003

No real news today, but there is a new photo gallery. I've added the now much-sought-after Tatler gallery to our Media section thanks to Keira Knightley Palace. I also cleaned up some of the broken links and messed up layouts so everything should be working fine-and-dandy now.

Hopefully there will be more to report tomorrow! If you have anything you'd like to share, be sure to e-mail me!

- Allison

Saturday, July 26, 2003

Seven new articles have been added to the website. 3 are from This Is London, 1 is from Venice Magazine, 1 is from YM magazine's website, 1 is from Telegraph and 1 is from AZCentral.com. Most of them are really good articles about Keira and her life and work on Pirates, but they do use some stock quotes from some of the other actors like Johnny, and even some stock quotes from Keira, so some of it might be stuff you've already read about. But they're still good so go read.

I also added a video of interview in the Media section. The interview (with Johnny, Keira and Orlando) is at Hollywood.com and the link will just take you there. Click on Watch Video below the picture of Johnny and it'll start the clip.

That's all for now. Hopefully more tomorrow or later tonight.

- Allison

Friday, July 25, 2003

We're back! And with lots more pictures. What kind of pictures you may ask? Well, we've got a few pictures from Star Wars Episode 1, a few pictures from Innocent Lies, the complete Hello gallery from November 2002 (lots of the elegant pictures of Keira that you've seen floating around the internet are from this issue of Hello, so check it out), and we have screen caps from the interview about The Hole. Now, I'm not entirely sure when this was done or for what channel/program, so if anyone has any details, please e-mail me. Thanks.

I did a little research about Jurassic Park on the internet yesterday. They really don't have that much information at this time because everything's still a little new. But what I do know is that 1) Keira was asked to do a role (though no one knows what role that is) 2) the script has been turned into the execs at the studio and 3) it will supposedly come out in July 2005. Since it's a big blockbuster movie, I'm assuming they'll want to start ASAP because it'll take a lot of time to do the editing and post-production on the movie. I'd say she'll be filming or we'll know when she'll be filming by the end of this year.

IMDB.com also posted a plot summary of the Jurassic Park IV movie. Here's what they had to say: 65 million years ago, a terrible disease plauged the Earth which brought about the extinction of the dinosaurs. In the early eighties, when InGen cloned the dinosaurs, they also brought this disease back with them and it has been present ever since before Jurassic Park (thus explaining the sick Triceratops and Brachiosaur). Now this disease has become fully active in the dinosaurs and they're all getting very ill. When dinosaur carcasses start washing up on the shore of Costa Rica, a team (including Alan Grant) is called out to find out what's going on. They head to the islands to study the dinosaurs and find out about the disease, known as DX. They also discover the disease is transferable to humans and could possibly bring on our own extinction. Wow, pretty intense. Obviously doesn't describe any of the main characters, so it's still not clear even from the description who Keira might play.

If I hear anything, I'll post!

- Allison

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

And we have another updates! Woohoo! Yay for the updates. Okay, so, the photo gallery has got some new additions with the Glamour and Miscellanous magazine photos going up, plus large photo galleries for Coming Home (which some of you may have noticed went up last night, but I didn't have time to tell ya on the main page) and Princess of Thieves and two new pics from Love Actually. I'm sure more photos from Love Actually will be surfacing as we get closer to the release date which right now is slated for November 7, 2003 in the U.S., November 21 in the U.K., and everywhere in between for the rest of the world. This info is courtesy of the IMDB.com so check them out! They're a great resource for all things Hollywood.

Speaking of the IMDB, they've got the Tulip Fever listing up, though there isn't much to say other than Jude Law is starring in it. They have the year 2003 next to the title, though that is unlikely since Keira's currently in Dublin filming King Arthur and she's slated to have a starring role in Tulips. So who knows? King Arthur is reportedly going to premiere on Christmas Day 2004, but that and all movie release dates are subject to change, so please check your local listings before heading out to the theater.

It's been a pleasure as always, and I will see you back here tomorrow for some great pics from Keira's younger days, including the new Innocent Lies and Star Wars Episode 1 galleries and I know you won't want to miss that.

Questions, comments, concerns or random rants you'd like to share with the folks at Just Keira? (okay, so it's just me), send 'em our way at justkeira@excite.com.

- Allison

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

All right, quick update. I've uploaded a whole bunch of pics into the new Bend It Like Beckham gallery, which is online now. There are also three new articles in the articles section (go to the Keira section, follow the link). Two are from July and one is from last April. They're all really good articles so check them out.

Coming next: Coming Home pictures are almost ready to go, as our a bunch of Pirates of the Caribbean pics. I also have some miscellanous pics that I'm going to be putting online either this afternoon or tomorrow morning, but I'll let you know when I do. Thanks!

- Allison

Monday, July 21, 2003

Hello again. Added a few more photo galleries. Two professional photo galleries which just have some very nice pics of Keira which were taken, I believe, some time last year. Also, added screen caps from Dr. Zhivago, The Hole and Oliver Twist. I have the photos from Coming Home ready to go, but I need to make the webpage for that, so it should be up tomorrow. I put up the WWW section, which has a list of the top Keira fansites on the internet. All of them are really well-make, and a couple of them have helped with the gallery section of this website, so you'll definitely want to check out all that they have to offer (just as long as you promise to come back to Just Keira!)

As always, if you have any photos you'd like to share with Just Keira, send them my way!

More coming tomorrow...

- Allison

Sunday, July 20, 2003

There's a new article about Keira in the The Mirror UK. Follow the link HERE. They discuss whether or not Keira is the new Kate Winslet. Most of the quotes are taken from other sources, but it gives a lot of nice background info for people just joining the Keira fandom.

Also, the Pirates premiere pics have been uploaded (both of them, Disney and London). Check them out. More magazine pics will be added as soon as I convert them from BMP to JPG. It takes awhile so bear with me. Thanks!

- Allison

Saturday, July 19, 2003

Welcome to Just Keira. We've just opened our doors, so everything is brand-new and you might find a some dust or incomplete areas of the website. Please bear with us as we polish things up.

Just Keira hopes to provide Keira-loving fans with all the news, photos and articles that we can possibly come up with. This means we need *your* help. Please send us photos, news, articles, rumors, facts, art, wallpapers, anything that has anything to do at all with Keira. You will, of course, be credited for providing the information.

That's all for now!

~ Allison
